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Family Game Nights 
Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21 (5-7pm) 
Invite your friends and bring your favorite table game!

Soup'r Bowl Cook Off 
 Feb 9 (11:30 am)
Bring your meanest SOUP/CHILI and a hearty APPETITE!


Children's Ministry

Sunday AM 
Explorers: 0-5yrs (all service)
Trail Blazers: K-6 (sermon)
*last Sunday of the month, K-6 stay in service!

Youth Ministry

Sundays, 11:30 am
at the Church,
led by Zac & Erin Smalley.
(grades 7-12)

Women's Ministry

led by Brenda Hoffman

Men's Ministry

Thursdays, 7-9 pm
at the Church,
led by Tom Wessling